Wednesday, June 20, 2007

preggy update

How's my pregnancy going on so far?

I am on my second trimester already, and my tummy is starting to get noticed. At this stage, I only have a few clothes/pants to wear ... :( It is still too early to wear maternity dresses, ya know.

Sometimes, I get impatient that I always utter, "sana December na ... para makita ko na ang baby ko." Or, maybe, excited is more appropriate word for that. ;) I am excited to know if I'm gonna have a baby girl this time. Most of our friends, including my obgyne, wish us a baby girl. Oh, I fervently hope so...

As I go through my pregnancy, I slowly realize that it is rather difficult to have my second baby when my firstborn is still young. Luke, now at 2yrs and 3mos, wants to be carried most of the time, and I find it hard to play with him all day long, especially at times when I want to take a nap, or I don't feel so good. I wonder how those moms with sunud-sunod na tsikiting cope with all these? Any hints? ;)

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  • At 6/25/2007 06:53:00 PM, Blogger noriko said…

    It is a very wonderful news !
    Please take care and I am very looking forward to hearing your preggy update!

  • At 7/12/2007 04:37:00 PM, Blogger ning said…

    thanks noriko! i'll try to post more so please check back often...

    how's your baby?


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